Newcomer saying hello from Bangkok

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Newcomer saying hello from Bangkok

Postby Marcus_Aurieli on Thu Mar 13, 2014 10:09 am

Hello from Bangkok -

I'm new to all of this -- first post.

Today, my first-ever taste of kombucha.
Enjoyed so much, drank 1/2 bottle -- maybe too much first time?! :o

Also today, ordered starter pack of kefir grains.
Only after ordering did I realize now must find big crock and flip-top bottles to use making it.
Not so easy to find in this part of the world.

Here in Thailand "kefir" and "kombucha" do not translate at all.
At the local health-food store, only confused looks when I inquired.
But three months ago, an old tea plantation in the hills of Northern Thailand started brewing kombucha and trying to sell it.
Local people don't know what it is, and aren't buying it, so when I did stumble across it at a different store, was offered at a big discount. Nice way to get a sample taste.

Water kefir grains I discovered on Craig's List.
So a hint for other newcomers struggling to find grains is to look, or post, on local Craig's List.
And when I called the seller, he was very friendly and helpful.
Is there something about kefir that brings out the friendliness in people?

-- Marc
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Mar 13, 2014 9:17 am

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