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Second Ferment Success at Last

PostPosted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 7:50 pm
by Nee
Hope someone reads this…. it is a God send regarding milk kefir second ferment. I’ve tried these, except for golden beet *bought, and waiting. Health and taste await: more so than sweet ferments.

Here are suggestions for second ferments that work better than sweet ones and are still sweet (!) Using honey, dates, even apples and pears…. do not work so well. Honey changes the nature of the kefir itself in my experience anyway. The others can only be used once and don’t have as much nutrition as root vegetables do. Once…. in my opinion; some say reuse… it does not work as well.

But! Reusing… and even not reusing, ROOTs grated… yield more health and not only that, but fermented heath. Just a heaping tablespoon is enough for a smoothie of the pulp if you reuse it. Think what is in the kefir!
1. White potato Russet, alone, a cup per 6-7 cups. Try and see the effects.
2. White potato and carrot.
3. Sweet potato alone;
4. Beet alone, red. A scant 1/2 cup is enough for 6-7 cups of kefir.
5. Golden beet and potato; golden beet is sweeter than red but has the same nutritional advantages.
6. Beet alone, golden.
7. Other combinations of these three so healthful, colorful roots.

Re: Second Ferment Success at Last

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 6:36 am
by irie1029
I definitely will give it a try. I have found lemon to be quite tasty... but that has gotten a bit old. Thanks!