Farmer's cheese as a bokashi byproduct?

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Farmer's cheese as a bokashi byproduct?

Postby capmikee on Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:54 pm

I've been experimenting with bokashi lately, and one of the projects I've been trying is making my own EM-1 solution. A couple of YouTubers have suggested that it can be made by fermenting milk with rice water. My question is, can I eat the curds left over from this process? Would they be good? What would you call such a thing?

Here's the process I used:

- Rinse rice with water. Drain the water and save it, using the rice for something else.
- Let the rice water sit for a week at room temperature, covered with a cloth
- Add rice water to whole milk at a ratio of 1:10
- Let sit covered with a lid for 2 weeks
- Strain the whey out
- Add molasses to the whey at a ratio of 1:1

I actually made two batches, one started with rice water and one started with whey from my creme fraiche. My creme fraiche is made from ultra-pasteurized heavy cream, and the culture was originally derived from whole chili peppers with stems on. The creme fraiche is made by filling the jar of leftovers with cream and leaving it in the oven with the light on for 24-48 hours.
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