by jpt120 on Sat Mar 05, 2022 3:13 pm
I've got a problem I can't figure out. Since last Summer my kefir is separating, not typically like with curbs, but there is this clear slime, and the milk part becomes gooey like paint consistency. It's not overdone and it's not hot (still happening in Winter around 65F in house), and also does it in Summer when it's warmer (around 72Fin house). The milk part is not fermented yet when this separation of clear slime and gooey milk part occurs. While back, I thought it was bad grains, so I purchased new grains.....same thing happened. And it's been happening since no matter what I try differently. I suspect a yeast/ bacteria imbalance, but it's crossed seasons and new grains, so that doesn't make sense. When the white part comes out, it comes out almost in one gooey blob. It's still good, but lots of waste with the clear slime separation and it's difficult because it separates before fermenting, so lots of waste. any ideas what in the heck is happening?