Making yoghurt less sour

Yogurt, Kefir, Clabbered Milk, Cheese, Whey, and more!

Moderator: Christopher Weeks

Making yoghurt less sour

Postby Dreamer on Tue Jan 16, 2024 2:28 am

Good morning all. A yoghurt query if you would point me in 5he right direction.
I recently made a batch of yoghurt using a couple of spoonfuls of a bought live natural yoghurt and a litre of whole milk.
While it turned out perfectly eatable it just wasn’t as creamy as the store bought starter which I think was maybe Greek yoghurt and it tasted just a little on the sour side. Is there anything I can do to rectify?
I have read that if I strain the whole batch it will make it thicker?
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Re: Making yoghurt less sour

Postby Christopher Weeks on Wed Jan 17, 2024 5:40 am

We strain yogurt to make it thick like Greek style and use the whey or whatever in bread. I don't know about making it less sour -- I just use whatever we make and it isn't the same from batch to batch, but it's always fine and that's part of the charm.
Christopher Weeks
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