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Black Light Miso

PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:10 am
by Rossclovis
Hi everyone, first non-introduction post.

I purchased a small black light flashlight, a single LED at 395 nm, and while I was using it I noticed the nearby miso jars lit up. They are in clear glass jars so I can watch and learn as they progresses. The liquid at the top exploded in this brilliant neon green. I took a quick picture and kept the black light exposure time to a minimum for fear of killing my bacteria.

I quickly flashed some other ferments I had going and others lit up. Except the kimchi. But the kimchi is so hot and sour that it probably bent the black light around itself. (Coloring from gochugaru and thickness of the liquid most likely the no-glow culprit). The ones with clear liquids glowed the most.

Some bacteria will glow under black light. My light is not really in the ideal wavelength range for disinfecting, but I kept the exposure times to a minimum anyway. Sadly, the phone camera could not capture the magic, but there is a glimpse of it there.

I wouldnt recommend blasting your ferments with black light in case you nuke your wildlife, but if you pull out some of the brine it might glow.

Enjoy the day.