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sprouted recycled grain bread

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:59 pm
by tidnull
Hello, I just got Sandor's book and I am new to sourdough breads, and breadmaking in general. I have a bubbly recycled grain sponge that is 100% sprouted wheat, rye, quinoa, and a bit of lentils. I am curious if the sprouted wheat has enough gluten to rise even though the "dough" is a wet mass, almost like a soup. I do not want to add any flour unless the wet dough will compromise the texture of the final product. I suppose risks must be taken! Anyone have tips on baking sprouted bread?

Re: sprouted recycled grain bread

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 6:49 pm
by Tim Hall
I suspect any bread that rises any appreciable amount is going to have at least some glutinous flour mixed in it. But it sounds like you may have good makings for "vollkornbrot" or something similar that uses whole grain berries. These types of sourdoughs don't really rise much and are really dense. Still would have to add some flour probably.

Re: sprouted recycled grain bread

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:17 pm
by tidnull
I just baked one of two loaves at 350 for 90 minutes. It is very moist, dense, and sour. The yeast did make some air bubbles, but not enough to rise. It sunk in the middle. I may try cooking the next loaf at 200F for four hours, as in the Essene bread recipe. I have never heard of "vollkornbot," but I am intrigued. Thanks for the insight.

Re: sprouted recycled grain bread

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:44 pm
by Tim Hall
Have you thought about treating it like a grain "loaf" as in meat"loaf" instead of bread? Maybe put it in a loaf pan and see what happens(?)

...or maybe that's what you're already doing.

Re: sprouted recycled grain bread

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:52 pm
by tidnull
I baked it in a loaf pan.. forgot that detail. I quite like the texture now that the loaf has cooled and dried a bit. It was oiled with coconut oil, which browned the crust very nicely. It reminds me of the consistency of those holiday fruit cakes. Moist but not too moist. I mixed raisins and walnuts with the sponge. I am eating it with some baba ghanoush.