by gardener on Wed Oct 26, 2016 2:10 pm
Christopher, I got caught with a day's harvest of green beans this summer that I had intended to pressure can, but my kitchen plumbing had a big problem, so-- fermentation to the rescue! I used one large jar with an airlock (already had this) and several bail jars. All these made a nice clean-looking ferment. But I did put weights (Marbles in bags on them, too.) on top of all of them. And I did vent them occasionally because of fear of pressure build up.
It sure would be nice not to bother with weights!
Do you think would green beans have stayed sufficiently below the surface before the carbon dioxide could build up? These were largish Romano beans which tend to have air bubbles in them naturally. I did dry salt, bruise, and tamp them down them before I added brine, but I'm not sure if I could have kept them from floating without a weight.