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Kefir Water

PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 8:50 am
by Rosallie
Is it possible that I started with bad kefir grains? I am new(< 6 months) to fermenting. I researched and got dizzy from differing opinions and recipes. Finally, I settled on a place to get grains from that has quite a lot of information listed on their web pages and youtube videos that seemed helpful. I was a little leery when I received my grains and they were a clearish white color and yet they said raw brown sugar was the absolute best...I wondered if it was the best then why were the grains lacking any color. The paper they sent me had conflicting advice from their website(which is extensive and professional). The grains got the color tint after the first use with the raw brown sugar. They grew from 2 T to 4 T and stopped. Then, grains started to get smaller and smaller and are now so tiny that some will strain right through the very fine plastic mesh strainer and I now have only about 3 T so instead of growing, they are shrinking. I use all glass containers, a plastic strainer, plastic funnel, spring water, organic brown sugar. For 3-4 T grains they recommend 1-2 quarts(I use 1 qt) water and 1/4 c water every 24-48 hours. If anyone can give any advice, I sure would appreciate it. I am about ready to scrap these grains and start over but I want to do it right.

Re: Kefir Water

PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 2:45 pm
by Tibor
I'm fairly new to water kefir myself and experienced some of what you mention. I got clear grains from a friend that are now brown and a bit smaller and they have been working just fine for months. They don't seem to have grown at all. I'm not even sure how many TBS my grains add up to -maybe 3 or so- but I've just simply tossed them into my next batch as I go. I make 2 L water with 3/4 cup sugar in a snap lock jar with my grains and ferment for 2 days. Then I remove the grains and transfer the liquid into a 3L snap lock and add about 3 cups of different juices, such as mulberry, ginger,apple, pomegranate ,lemon juice (in different combos), for 2 more days and then transfer to 1 liter very tight snap lock bottles for 1 day to carbonate. Then it's done(for me) and I refrigerate . An absolutely lovely fermented soda. More time carbonating can be explosive when you open it, so be aware and open slowly. I got this recipe from a friend that has been doing this for years. If I want to take a break, I mix my new batch and refrigerate for up to a week before my 2 day ferment and so on.
Like any ferment there are many ways to do things.
What I don't understand is the 1/4 c water every day or so that you mention ?

Re: Kefir Water

PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 9:03 am
by Rosallie
Thanks for the reply Tibor, I apologize, that was a mis-type and I meant 1/4 c brown sugar...I change the grains to a new container with new sugar water every 24-48 hours. I then let the fermented water set 1-2 days before drinking. I have been putting tea bags in and letting it set at room temp after removing the grains or sometimes add fruits and refrigerate for a day or two. I use a rubber cap but it is loose fitting so I get carbonation but not as much as if tightly sealed. I haven't attempted anything fancier than that. Your recipes sound good!

Re: Kefir Water

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 9:11 am
by ggl3dde
I'm new to the whole water kefir business, so take my advice with a grain of salt (pun unintended), but if you got the batch recently, perhaps your house is too cold?

Especially if you live on the East and got hit with the recent cold front, room temperature may drop a little too cold at night.

Also, I couldn't tell, but are you putting the grains in the fridge every round? That may be the problem too.

From my research, I've seen there's an 'adjustment' period, so it could also just be the little guys trying to get comfortable.

Re: Kefir Water

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 7:58 am
by Justin Otherguy
Another newbie with very limited experience but hopefully a possible answer to your problem. From what I've read water kefir needs minerals in the water. Possibly so do yours. One recommendation was some crushed egg shell with a pinch of baking soda and salt. Another suggested varying the type of fruit used to make it.


I have a question of my own. I'm making milk kefir and water kefir. The instructions say you need to swish the milk kefir around occasionally to mix them up and expose them to fresh milk. Is this same procedure necessary for water kefir? I didn't see any reference to it.