Wake Robin Fermented Foods LLC in Cleveland, OH is looking for new ownership or an operating partner. Wake Robin is a family-owned company that has been operating successfully as a Triple Bottom Line business for 4+ years. Five flagship products are available year-round (Sauerkraut, Kickin’ Kimchi, Ruby Rüben, Carrot Escabeche and Garlicky Dill Pickle Chips) as well as three rotating seasonal products. All products are lacto-fermented and cold-packed for sale as a probiotic, naturally fermented product. Our distribution area covers more than 30 Northeast Ohio grocery stores and restaurants, as well as a few stores in the Chicago area. We are networked with local organic farmers, who provide about 70% of the produce we use. Our annual sales are 130K. We are poised to become Certified Organic in the coming year. We are interested in connecting with either an outright buyer or operating partner(s) who would invest in a share of the business and take on managerial roles. The operations could be moved to another location in Ohio. For more information contact one of us or check out our website wakerobinfoods.com .